Sunday, 17 January 2010



james corcoran said...

Brilliant page Ian, especially like the shadows and lighting in the first two panels

Matt Soffe said...

This page is superb. I've been following this for a while but been waiting before there was a good chunk of story to read thtrough in one sitting. I think now is the time!

Rob Davis said...

Nice page, Ian. Great use of the hatch tool. The little Veronique figures are spot on, especially the one in the first panel.

I hope the painting they were looking for is well protected though otherwise it'll be full of bullet holes! ;-)

Anyone else fancy wrapping up this chapter?

paulhd said...

Lovely page, Ian, something very disturbing about the 2nd panel.

I. N. J. Culbard said...

Maybe she's a good shot... or maybe she's not interested in the painting and the frame's made out of something way more valuable... who knows...

Glad you all like. Have been wanting to draw a ditched vehicle with the headlights still on since the start!

Matt Soffe said...

I agree that panel 2 is quite haunting. Is this done in MangaStudio by any chance?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Forgive me for answering mygrimmbrother's question, Ian, and correct me if I'm wrong but yes I believe it's done in Manga Studio.

geraint ford said...

fabulous page Ian - adore the elevated angles in the first two and the foreground germans in the third ... great stuff!