Sunday, 19 April 2009

1. PAGE 10 Plates 1-4


paulhd said...

Amazing page, Rob. Those walls are hypnotic, and Sleepy looking at Loretta on plate 3 works brilliantly - this guy is the real deal!

D.TAYLOR said...

Very smooth.

I. N. J. Culbard said...

VERY nice indeed.

Dave Shelton said...

Lovely, lovely stuff, Rob. Love Loretta's dialogue especially.

Only a fool would dare to try to follow that...


Unknown said...

Yup, s'all great but I particularly like the 1st and third panels of page 10, very Mitchumesque Sleepy in that third panel. Mind you, he's rather Mitchumesque in general.

If I had one criticism, it'd be there's not nearly enough bricks.

Anybody read the biography on Mitchum by Lee Server, 'Baby, I Don't Care'? It's very good.

Rob Davis said...

Thank you people

I'm particularly proud of my bricks. Which, I may add, were done without any help from the MS perspective tool - all freehand I tell y'!!

(Although I could be seen wondering around photographing walls in Blandford on Saturday.)

Great to see you jump in, Dave. Look forward to seeing what you do.

shane oakley said...

rob - must echo the love of bricks! and extra browny points for doing them freehand, those perspective tools are used too often - you're doing it the real he-man way!
and bricks aside, these are standout pages, love the variety in the angles, and your confidant use of black. panel three is drop-dead gorgeous.

rob - you must draw more comics, more often - MORE!

Rob Davis said...

Cheers Shane. You can be my agent and get me some fun comics to draw if you like.

I am going to start doing more comics from now on, so if you hear of anyone looking for artists for brickwork related projects give me a shout. Maybe I should do The Thing, he's kinda brickwork-ish.

Unknown said...

And the dialogue is as good as the art on these pages! It's cagey, pulp and with a killer double entendre at the end. Nice work.