Monday, 6 April 2009

1. PAGE 1, PLATES 1-4


paulhd said...

Beautiful opening, Ian. Gonna double check those rules, but I'm huzzahing now!

Gary Fitzgerald said...

I love me some noir.. looking forward to this....

Unknown said...

And so it begins...

Well done, a perfectly moody opening.

Unknown said...

I'm really looking froward to doing some stuff for this. Nice start Ian.

D.TAYLOR said...

Love that first shot...a stunner!
Ditto what those guys said with bells on. (black bells on a white bg)

I. N. J. Culbard said...

Glad you like, Paul:) Good to hear it, Gary, you're our first follower! No prizes I'm afraid. Cheers, Faz, Col and Dave, much appreciated.

It's a start, lets see where it takes us.

Rob Davis said...

That's the ticket!

I. N. J. Culbard said...

Cheers Rob:-)

WJC said...

Very cool.

shane oakley said...

corking first page, ian. can feel that rain coming down...
looking forward to shouting my first HUZZAH!!

I. N. J. Culbard said...

Cheers WJC and Shane. Much appreciated. Shane, am looking forward to you leaping in!

Tony D'Ambra said...

Great stuff from all members. I have added a link to Huzzah Noir at my site I would like to feature (with full attribution and copyright) plate 1 here in a post on Huzzah Noir on, is this ok?

Rob Davis said...

Sorry, Tony. Just noticed this. We'd much appreciate some coverage of what we're up to here and you can use the plates you need to write your piece.



Tony D'Ambra said...

Thanks Rob! The post is up at Huzzah!! NOIR: An exciting new graphic novel project.

To help promote the project, I suggest you add the ShareIt! gadget to your sidebar and at the bottom of each post.