Tuesday, 14 July 2009

PAGE 16, PLATE 1-4


Rob Davis said...

Like this a lot. Nice use of the dry brush.

Hmmm... so the missing girl is with the Jewish mafia and now Sleepy is being followed by Nazis from his past...

Unknown said...

Moody. A surprising development, in both story and art style. Sleepy's had quite the interesting life ain't he?

I. N. J. Culbard said...

Cheers. Well, the setting is the late forties so I figured Sleepy saw some action like everybody else during ww2, only I wanted to stay true to his opening lines on page 1. And since so many airborne landed with just a boot knife because they'd lost their ammo and rifles in the drop it figured that sleepy did the same so he likely punched his way out of Europe.

So we have Sleepy's girl who's real name is French mixing with the Kosher Nostra and some Nazi in hiding pointing a gun at Sleepy's spine - the plot thickens.

I. N. J. Culbard said...


paulhd said...

Yeah, liking this development. Nice work, Ian.

Unknown said...

Great face on Sleepy in the third panel there and nice use of a black panel there.

Rob Davis said...

I love your war pics. Great panels, some great lines "tucking him in for dirt nap" ha! and a lovely set up.


I wish.

I. N. J. Culbard said...

No takers? Okay then. HUZZAH!!

paulhd said...

Bugger, was gonna huzzah today. Honest. Better keep an eye on t'uther huzzah.

I. N. J. Culbard said...

Probably be up tonight.